Friday, February 21, 2014

Adding Drill-Down Details

A common style of hierarchical reporting is a summary report with “drill-down” details. This style of report only shows details whenever the user selects a summary row. 

Step 1: Set the sub-table to be initially hidden

Set the More Info Row element’s attributes as shown below:

Figure 3.13: Attributes Panel after setting the More Info Row element attributes

Preview the report and notice that the order details are no longer visible. 

Step 2: Make the Customer ID value a link that shows the sub-table when clicked

Logi Report includes a number of Action elements that cause processing when their parent element is clicked. We’ll use this to make the Customer ID data value a link. 

Add an Action.ShowElement element to the Label element that displays the Customer ID data (“lblCustomerID”). Set its Element ID attribute to the ID attribute of the More Info Row element (i.e. “mirOrderDetails”) and its ID attribute to something meaningful. 

Figure 3.14: Definition Editor Panel after adding Action element
Preview the report again. Initially, only the customer order summary is displayed, but whenever a Customer ID value is clicked, its Order Details sub-table is displayed. Your report should look something like this:

Figure 3.15: Report Preview Panel
Notice that the Customer ID links work as “toggles”, showing or hiding their detail data each time the links are clicked. 

Hint: If the More Info Row element Show Modes attribute is not set, then initially the order details are displayed. In this case, selecting a Customer ID hides the order details sub-table. 

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