Friday, February 21, 2014

Adding a Report Summary Row

When you made a copy of the Chapter 2 report to use in this chapter, you “remarked” the summary row. This summary row displayed the number of customers in the report. Now, let’s modify the summary-related elements to display the number of orders in the report.

First, right-click and unremark the green Summary Row (“sumCustomerCount”) and Data Column Summary (“csmCustomerCount”) elements.

Next, move the Data Column Summary element from beneath the colCustomerName element to beneath the colOrderCount element. You can do this using the Cut and Paste items in the right-click popup menu or by selecting the element to move and then dragging it to and dropping it on its destination parent element (“colOrderCount”).

Figure 3.18: Definition Editor Panel after moving Data Column Summary element
Now set the Data Column Summary element’s attributes as shown below:

Figure 3.19: Attributes Panel after setting Data Column Summary element settings
At this point, the report should appear in the Preview panel as shown below:

Figure 3.20: Report Preview Panel
Note that the final row of the report now contains the total number of orders.

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