Friday, September 13, 2013

Adding a Report Summary Row

Another common feature of reports is a summarizing row calculating the sum or average of the values in a column or similar calculations. Again, Logi Studio provides this feature with minimal effort.

To add a summary row to a report, add a Summary Row element to the Data Table element (dtCustomers):

Figure 2.28 Definition Editor Panel after adding SummaryRow element
Set the element’s ID to “CustomerTotalColumn” and set its Caption to “Total:”

Figure 2.29: Attribute Panel after setting SummaryRow element attributes
Next, add a Data Column Summary element beneath the desired Data Table Column element. 

Figure 2.30: Definition Editor Panel after adding Data Column Summary element
Set the Function attribute to the desired function: Count. Then set the Data Column attribute to the desired column name.  

Figure 2.31: Attributes Panel after setting Data Column Summary element attributes
By default, the summary row displays the summary value defined by the corresponding Data Column Summary elements. 

The Summary Row element can be customized by adding Column sub-elements to it but we won’t get into that here. 

In the Preview feature, the bottom of the report should now include the summary row, as shown below:

Figure 2.32: Report Preview Panel

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