
The purpose of this book is to assist developers in learning the Logi Report product. The book does not attempt to exhaustively cover every feature provided by Logi Report. Instead, the book introduces Logi Report through examples.

Most of the chapters build on concepts discussed earlier and reports built in earlier chapters. The intent is for the book to be used as a training aid, and for the examples in each chapter to be implemented in sequence.  In addition, throughout the book, I have included hints and warnings to share my experiences in using Logi Report.

Many developers experienced with HTML, ASP.NET, and related Internet technologies will be able to quickly learn the product simply by seeing a few working examples. Of course, this is a testimony to the user-friendliness of the Logi Report Studio application. For these folks, the LogiXML™ website provides a plethora of great examples, and will provide more than enough of a kick-start.

This book is for those folks who are not familiar with these technologies, and benefit from the step-by-step approach moving from simple to more complex concepts gradually.

I’d love to hear what you think of the book. So, please forward any comments, errors, and/or suggestions to me via email to:


Since, at this time, this book is published as an electronic book, I have the opportunity to improve the book based on your comments and suggestions, and correct any reported errors.

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