Book Index

Chapter I. Introduction to Logi Reporting Products
About the Examples in this Book

Chapter II. Creating Basic Reports
Creating Your First Logi Application Project
Creating Your First Logi Report
A Word about Security
Debugging Reports
Adding Sorting By Report Column
Adding a Report Summary Row
Adding Interactive Report Paging

Chapter III. Creating Hierarchical Reports
Creating a Hierarchical Report with Sub-Tables
Adding Drill-Down Details
Adding Report Sorting By Column
Adding a Report Summary Row
Creating a Hierarchical Report with Sub-Reports
Adding Sub-Report Sorting By Column
Creating a Hierarchical Report by Linking Reports

Chapter IV. Reporting Style Cookbook
Creating a Style Sheet
Controlling the Report Presentation - Adding space between elements
Controlling the Report Presentation - Changing the background color of a report
Controlling the Report Presentation - Changing the font on a report
Controlling the Report Presentation - Changing the font color on a report
Controlling the Report Presentation - Formatting the report header/footer
Controlling the Report Table Presentation
Controlling the Report Link Presentation

Chapter V. Creating Charts and Graphs
Creating a Simple Bar Chart
Creating Multi-Layer Charts
Creating a Simple Pie Chart
Creating a Simple Scatter Chart
Linking Summary Charts and Detail Reports

Chapter VI. Creating Interactive Reports
Adding Report Criteria
Layout Input Elements with an Input Grid Element
Layout Input Elements with Table/Row/Column Elements
Validating User Input

Chapter VII. Exporting Reports
Exporting to PDF
Exporting only selected elements
Adding a Page Header and Footer
Exporting to Microsoft Excel
Formatting a Microsoft Excel Worksheet
Exporting to Microsoft Word
Exporting to Comma Separated Values (CSV) Format
Exporting to XML Format

Chapter VIII. Creating Form-Based Reports
Creating a Report Based on a PDF Form
PDF Form Output Mode
Creating a Report Based on an Excel Template

Chapter IX. Integrating with Existing Applications
Integrating Reports and HTML Web Pages
Integrating Reports and ASP.NET Web Pages
Implementing Forms-based Authentication
Merging a Logi Report application with an ASP.NET web application

Chapter X. Advanced Topics
The Power of Tokens
Report Data Caching
Show Modes
Using VBScript
Using Plugins

Chapter XI. Best Practices
General Guidelines
Adding a common report (page) header/footer
Reusing Report Elements
Using Constants

Appendix A. Token Reference

Appendix B. Element Naming Conventions

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