Monday, February 24, 2014

Controlling the Report Presentation - Adding space between elements

Adding space between elements in a report is accomplished using the New Line and Space elements.

Hint: A New Line element can represent more than one line by adjusting its Line Count attribute. Similarly, the Space element can represent more than one space by adjusting its Size attribute.

For example, to add a report header title to the report created on the previous page, add a Label and a Newline element to the Report Header element as shown below. Then add the same again in reverse order to the Report Footer element.

Figure 4.5: Definition Editor Panel after adding New Line and Label elements

Set appropriate IDs for the Label elements. Set “Customer Order Report” for the header Label element’s Caption and “Copyright 2014 – Randy Bourgeois” for the footer Label’s Caption.

The Horizontal Line and Vertical Line elements are used to separate sections of a report with a delineating line. The width (or height) and thickness of the line are defined in terms of pixels.  The Horizontal Rule element is similar to the Horizontal Line element, and can be used interchangeably.

Hint: A useful feature of the Horizontal Rule element is its ability to automatically adjust its width to the width of the browser window.

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