Friday, February 28, 2014

Linking Summary Charts and Detail Reports

A common feature supported by bar charts and pie charts is the capability to drill-down to view the details behind the summary chart.

In the following example, when the user selects a customer bar in the bar chart, the orders for the selected customer are displayed in the details report.

Switch to the Chapter5Report1 definition and set the Chart.XY element’s Chart Type to “Bar”.

To link the bar chart to a report, add an Action.Report element beneath the Chart.XY element. Then add Target.Report and LinkParms child elements beneath the Action.Report element to define the target detail report and the selected customer.

Figure 5.22: Definition Editor Panel after adding the elements 

Set the Target.Report element’s ID and Report Definition File attributes as shown below:

Figure 5.23: Attributes Panel after setting the attributes
And, finally, add a link parameter to pass the selected customer’s ID to the target report. The @Chart token is used to access the data layer in the chart: 

Figure 5.24: Attributes Panel adding the parameter

Now preview the bar chart report and click one of the bars to display the detail report. The process of adding this drill-down capability to a pie chart is exactly the same.

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